What is Akupuntur

Treatment methods have been used through Acupuncture since 2000 years ago in the State and the bamboo curtain has experienced growth. At the beginning of this method is known Acupuncture 365 point, but at this point have experienced improvement in technique acupuncture, aquapuntur, etc..

Acupuncture itself is a means of stimulation with certain dots (dots Akupuntur) dipermukaan body for the healing of a disease. Excitation point through the point is made:

*Pricking needle


Radiation (laser), and so forth

Excitation at the points Acupuncture will give a good effect on the stimulation to the place far away from a path through the excitation mechanism umora nerve.

Akupuntur therapy

1.treat pain: pain from various conditions such as Migraine, cephalgia, vertigo, rheumatism, sore shoulders, painful menstruation, herpes, toothache, neuropati, etc..
2.Functional Disorders:

*Respiratory tract Disorders / Allergies such as asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc..
*limentary tract disturbances such as stomach pain, difficult to defecate, etc.
*Nerves or paralysis early phase, Cerebral palsy, epilepsy, bell's palsy (italics cheek), etc.
*Urogenital disturbances such as make, impotensi, infertile (difficult child), hermoroid, etc..
*Beauty: Obesity, face wrinkles, rough, muddy, flek, pimple, eye bags, loss hair, breast soup, etc..
*Cases such as drug dependence, smoking, insomnia, hyperaktif, acute hearing, autisme, tinnitus (telingan drone), facilitate the ASI, heper cholesterol, etc..

Effect Acupuncture

Transfixion at the point Acupuncture cause little pain that does not mean that, in general, patients felt.

Side effects

As ways of other treatment, Acupuncture have any side effects that are generally not dangerous, such as bleeding and pain in the pricking. The likelihood of infection or disease can be avoided with the use of a set of needle terssendiri for each patient and with a good sterilization.

Effects addiction

acupuncture does not cause addiction, but some patients experience the good feeling in the body after the action so that acupuncture desire to arise in acupuncture again. When acupuncturestopped the reaction will not occur is a body of people.

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