Acupuncture needle or pin is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine. Initially, the Acupuncture used only as a way treatment, but then gradually develop into a discipline. Acupuncture science is the science of learning and preparing the technical and legal treatment Acupuncture applied clinical and theoretical principle. (Image left is part of the map point Acupuncture)
Acupuncture have a long history. In the era of the ancient book was mentioned many times that the needle pin primitive tools made of stone, called rock needle. Needle rock first emerged in the era of new stones (neolitik) approximately 8000 to 4000 years back, or around the end of the clan commune system.
In archaeological research in China have found the original hand of stone. Until Chunqiu period (770 years before Christ 476 years before Christ), medical science has been escape from traditional ties, and have a professional doctor. In Chunqiu Zuozhuan book, there are notes about the famous words of the doctor about Yi huan pricker needle when he checks the health of King Jinggong Jin Dynasty.
From the times of war countries to Western Han Dynasty (476 years before Christ-year 25 BC), the metal needle is used increasingly in line with the broad progress in technology of iron smelting, and metal needle gradually replace the stone so that the needle pin needle is used increasingly knowledgeable and have expedite the process of its development. At the time of Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdom, show that many medical experts versed Acupuncture, including the Book Acupuncture written Pumi Huang has become a special paper on the complete system Acupuncture. In the era of dynasties and Jin Jin East West and North and South Dynasty (256 years BC-589 BC), works on special Acupuncture grow more and more, and at that time Acupuncture also spread to Korea, Japan and other countries .
At the time of Sui and Tang Dynasty (581-907 years BC), Acupuncture developed into a discipline. In the medical institution when medical science was held Acupuncture department. Then, science Acupuncture growing in depth. Up to 16-th century, starting Acupuncture introduced to Europe. However, until the Qing Dynasty, the doctors more than the drugs Acupuncture so that a certain degree on the progress of science has hindered the Acupuncture.
Acupuncture achieve greater progress after the People's Republic of China in 1949. Now, in 2000 the hospital more traditional Chinese medicine throughout the country there are Acupuncture; scientific research on Acupuncture system already includes a variety of human body parts and various clinical; A number of major scientific experiment data of value has been achieved in research on the role settings, pain reducer Acupuncture and increase immunity, and the symptoms jingluo (Acupuncture meridian) and the relationship between the point Acupuncture and organs.
Acupuncture Healthy
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