To add a higher body in accordance with the expected way acupuncture, he said, is very easy. In fact, the same as other acupuncture techniques, it is still convenient, is not cause pain.
"Through the acupuncture technique, the body of the desired level can be obtained, only with the thrust needles acupuncture on the spine," he said. According to him, raised the body with acupuncture is now quite a lot of people selected Jambi, especially for those who want to follow the selection of prospective students, such as acceptance test the police academy entrance. "It is more successful with elevated body acupuncture is a technique," he said.
According to Dr Susi, acupuncture treatment is a therapy that uses modalitas system in needle pin dots on the body to restore the balance of a particular patient, so that they can recover from various health problems experienced.
Basic thoughts (basic knowledge) behind this treatment, according to him, that in the healthy human body is always found a balance that is called homeostasis, where each of the balance of these interference passing threshold (threshold) that can be tolerated body akan manifestation as symptoms of disease complaints or illness.
Acupuncture, Susi said, comes from the Greek word acus which means needle, and that means punctura puncture. In English is called acupuncture. Meanwhile, in Chinese called cen ciu. Although the treatment system Acupuncture first poppuler Chinese, but the principle of using sharp objects, puncture as a means to provide stimulus to the body this was done the other nations much before, just as a nation of ancient Egypt dipelopori Eber in 1550 BC. (*)
Eber thought, in the human body there is a system of channels (vessel) that is identical with the meridian in the philosophy of treatment Acupuncture, in which stimulation of the right channel system can cure various diseases.
In addition to elevated body, go Susi, treatment with acupuncture is suitable for chronic diseases (chronic), such as stroke, such as aberration nerve palsy, sleep and body weakness ekstrimitas, erwinvb chronic disease, rheumatism etc.. This is because conservative treatment with medication western medical treatment requires long-term.
Dr Johan added that day-to-day berpraktik in the same place with the doctor Susi, at this time there is tendency in which people can start to feel the benefits of alternative treatment methods with this needle pin. "The people of Jambi start with this alternative therapy because of safety also does not cause pain," he said.
He also added, if some patients acupuncture thus more likely to pay a visit to the beauty and aesthetic problems such as obesity, whelk, flek black face, wrinkling and signs penuaan skin, kerontokan and kebotakan hair, to a high body problem.
Higher Body With Acupuncture
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