Acupuncture treatment techniques are used in traditional Chinese medicine. Needle-sharp needle that is used to stimulate certain dots on the body. These points are on the path of energy channels called "meridian." Acupuncture treatment designed to improve the flow and balance energy throughout the meridian-this meridian.
Traditional Chinese Medicine has a history of more than 2500 years. This traditional view the human body as a system of energy flow. When the flow of this energy-flow balance, the body is healthy. Practitioners to check patients' pulse and the tongue of their condition to diagnose no balance energy. In Chinese medicine, pulse can be checked at three locations on each wrist, and at three depths in each location.
The disease is not defined by symptoms or diseases such as HIV infection. " Conversely, a Chinese medicine practitioner will talk about energy no balance. Language can seem very strange, like "yin deficiency" or "increase in kidney summer." Chinese words yin and describe the energy of mutual-back-off, which should remain balanced, and Qi (read "chi") can be roughly defined as the energy or life force.
In traditional China, there are many ways to improve the balance of the body's energy flow. Technique most often used in western countries is technical exercises such as Qigong or Tai Chi, AAcupuncture (pricker needle), and herbal medicine.
Many Chinese medical practitioners specializes in herbal medicine or Acupuncture. Very rarely the use of both.
Why people with HIV use Acupuncture?
Because Acupuncture regarding the balance of energy, then there is no particular point Acupuncture used to treat HIV. Instead, experts Acupuncture you will be using the pulse and you may observe your tongue to find out no balance your energy flow.
Acupuncture can not treat HIV infection. However, many people believe that medical herbs has helped them improve the overall energy, or to help deal with side effects of antiretroviral (arv). Some people have been using Acupuncture to reduce the feeling of nausea or diarrhea caused by this treatment. Many other people feel Acupuncture able to alleviate the pain caused neuropati.
How do I use Acupuncture?
Based on your no balance energy, experts Acupuncture will you to select the Acupuncture distimulir. You will lie on the couch, bertelungkup or recumbent. Needle needle is inserted at the point-point. You may feel a little sick, or feeling of pins and needles during immune ditusukkan. Needle-needle is left in place for 30 to 45 minutes depending on the destination of the Acupuncture. During that, many people fall asleep.
You may also get additional treatment for Acupuncture to improve the flow of your energy:
* Needle-distimulir with the needle may be equipped with a flow of electricity is very low (electroacupuncture).
* Moxa is soft material that consists of a kind of dry spice mugwort. Moxa may be applied on the needle Acupuncture or even directly on the skin. Moxa is burned to produce a feeling of heat puncture. This is called moxibustion.
* Glass-glass globe can be used to produce "penyedotan" at the point-point (bruise). Penyedotan stimulate the flow of this energy. When the glass-glass is left on the skin for a long time, there will be a former red.
Some practitioners use small beads or a small needle is left on the skin for a few days to put pressure on the point Acupuncture.
What risks and side effects?
Some people feel a little pain, numb or pins and needles when Acupuncture ditusukkan. In some rare cases, people will feel dizzy or nauseous during Acupuncture. You probably will spend a few drops of blood when the needle is revoked. Acupuncture have side effects that are fewer than the majority of treatment-west.
You should not do Acupuncture if you drink alcoholic beverages one hour before, or if you have been using Napza.
Make sure you know the experts Acupuncture when you pregnant. Acupuncture some point should not be distimulir during pregnancy.
How do we know that useful?
Research shows the benefits in Acupuncture treat some types of pain and nausea. It is encouraging that the National Institute of Health in the U.S. to issue a statement in 1997 supporting Acupuncture benefit for some conditions. World Health Organization has a list of more than 40 conditions that may be assisted with Acupuncture.
Research about the latest Acupuncture to reduce pain caused neuropati does not show a clear benefit. However, design research has been criticized for using dots Acupuncture the same for all people in the research and, therefore, use the dots as a false comparison. Many people with the condition neuropati Acupuncture feel have helped them.
Acupuncture (pricker needle)
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