Acupuncture pin or needle starts to become an alternative treatment trends for the community, although the scope of which is still limited, as they may still not know or fear to try, and not sure will benefits.
This again is not my work orsi, merely a variety of sources, not because I do not understand doctors and medicine.
History and Understanding Acupuncture
According Hembing, age acupuncture treatment itself is thousands of years. In the book An Outline of Chinese Acupuncture mentioned, pin needle has been since the era of rock. Oldest acupuncture method called Bian, which is defined as the use of stones for the cure of disease. The etimologis, Acupuncture means needle pin. Principles treated stimulate dots in the human body.
Therefore, acupuncture can appear in different versions. If the dots that acupuncture to masagge, ready-called pressure. If the burning or moksa called moksibasi. When the injection of water, called aquapuncture. Many of these methods appear in line with the development of technology and experience.
After using the stone, the Chinese created the fine needle of bamboo or bone. After that, the needle is made of gold and silver. Now jarumnya made against steel (stainless steel) thin. According Hembing, this therapy working through some stages. For the initial stage, is usually done in the discharge of toxic body.
In the nerve-nerve-related digestive a thin needle dialiri electricity bervoltase low. "Vibration is to stimulate the nerves that passive back on," said Hembing. Needle that is used varies. To advance these areas, use needle size 0.25 mm. While in the area of the back foot and use a larger needle. Transfixion long 15 minutes.
Acupuncture starting from the belief that the body organs form a unity and affect each other, so that needs to be guarded his balance. Antarorgan this relationship to build a system such as a network. The system is what is called "flow Meridien". This channel delivers the blood and vital energy, in terms of China called qi or chi, to the entire body.
This flow Meridien many. However, the main line is 14 with 361 acupuncture point called the regular channel. There are also eight other routes Meridien called extra channels. In both lines there are a lot of this is the point associated with the important organs of men. Basically, the word Hembing, because the disease appears less lancarnya blood circulation and oxygen, and terhambatnya dots that nerve. "If the flow of chi is obstructed or is not balanced, it will cause pain," he said.
Some of the Main Benefits Acupuncture
Although still a debate about the use and benefit Acupuncture, but for those who want to try this treatment, the following are benefits that can be obtained:
1. Reduce pain
Acupuncture can reduce the pain due to chronic headache.
A research conducted by scientists from Duke University who are Dr. Tong Joo Gan involving nearly 4,000 patients with migraine interference, strained in the head and various forms of interference other headaches to prove that the use of Acupuncture to reduce the chronic pain of 62 percent more effective than drugs that are only able to reduce the pain to 45 percent.
In any posts in the Journal Anestesia and Analgesia, the research team said 53 percent of patients who use Acupuncture feel a sense nyerinya or reduced compared to those who do not use needles, about 45 percent.
In addition Acupuncture also able to reduce the pain that is common after surgery in the head, neck cancer, pain during menstruation, pregnancy pain, pain on menopause symptoms, but also reduce the effects such as nausea chemotherapy.
2. Increasing fertility
The goal of fertility Acupuncture do first is to increase sexual vitalitalitas both the men and women, you are both hormon2 balance in the body, and also to improve blood circulation in the uterus and the surrounding area, also increase the production of eggs or sperm cells and also its quality.
In the treatment of fertility problems, acupuncture can increase blood flow to the uterus, making the mouth of the womb rileks, and prevent stress hormones that can disrupt the process of embryo into fetus.
Based on surveys of 1,366 women in the U.S., Germany, Australia, and Denmark, acupuncture appeared to help mix sperm and egg cells in the embryo into the womb.
On this research, some women get therapy in vitro fertilization (IVF), some combination of IVF and acupuncture one day before the embryo transfer.
When the results of this study are small, the researchers found that the barriers against pregnancy 65 percent of women who disappeared in the acupuncture. However, experts remind, the results of research that can not entirely be the conclusion that acupuncture really can help fertility. IVF techniques to help the pregnancy about 35 percent, plus acupuncture chance of pregnancy to be 45 percent.
3. Subtilize Skin
Part of the benefit is to Acupuncture beauty which is termed Acupuncture medical estetik.
The medical transfixion will stimulate acupuncture point persarafan system, giving rise to local reaction (increased blood circulation, increase collagen production, etc.), the reaction through the nerve or nerve center of the edge and release zat2 neurohumoral reaction.
Treatment / care that can be done estetik medical Acupuncture:
1. Tauten (Firms sagging skin)
2. Fine lines or wrinkles on the face (Minimizes or erases fine lines and wrinkles, softens the lines)
3. Eye bags and dark circles under the eyes (Reduce or dark bags under the eyes cirkles)
4. Whelk, etc. (Improves complexion, acne e.g.)
5. Mencerahkan face (Gives a healthy glow that you do not get with botox)
6. Reduce doublechin
7. Minify pore-pore (Tightens the pores)
8. Bright eyes (Brightens the eyes)
9. Lift the lid (Lifts drooping eyelids)
10. Increase blood flow to the skin (increases bloodflow to the skin)
11. Increases collagen production and keratin
12. Kebotakan / hair fall out (head Encourages hair growth)
13. Subtilize skin (Softens the skin)
4. Streamline Body
In uraiannya entitled The Mechanism of Acupuncture by Loosing Weight, Dr. Alex Tatevian, Doctor of Acupuncture from Rhode Island, United States said that the issue did not lose weight only to burn fat, but also set the pattern of eating.
Therefore, Alex said that the target for Acupuncture slim affairs is part of the brain called the thalamus (part of the brain stem which forms the top side of the wall ventrikel third) and the hypothalamus (the bottom of the top of the brain stem, under the thalamus).
Both are the brain system that regulates hunger and thirst, tap the heart, sleep and work hours, sexual appetite, digestion, and control the balance of body fluids.
Menusukan with the needle in the meridian which is connected with the thalamus, the desire to eat can be controlled. Meridian is a path or place mengalirnya chi or Qi in the body.
Practitioners Acupuncture beauty, Solomon Simanjuntak, adding, "jab at this point the people who usually eat two plates will only eat plateful. If more than that akan nausea, "said the head of the Foundation for Education Acupuncture Yapeptri.
The importance of the thalamus habit patterns can be discovered through the body of research conducted by Dr. Ralph W. Richter, MD, psychiatrist and neurolog from Tulsa, Oklahoma who perform research on about 200 rats.
Dr. Richter tried to damage the little brain in the thalamus of rat-mouse this. After that, it is known that the change in behavior extraordinary. Rat-mouse began to eat every 40 to 60 minutes and drink every few minutes. They also did not sleep again as before, for 12 hours, but continue to wander and never sleep.
This study shows that the thalamus and the hypothalamus is the organ that regulates essential rhythm of life. Role of hypothalamus and thalamus becomes very important because the limbic system ditempatinya very influential in managing the various insting, emotional control, psychological structure, and social life.
Stress can make the system is not balanced. As a result elektrokimia that connect various elements in the system will be garbled. Insting-insting found in this system by itself will be subject to the pattern.
But when insting sexual and agresivitas not satisfied at any time, insting hunger is triggered to active. Fulfilling insting (hungry) suppressed the level of this stress and agresivitas someone, so be quiet again.
Streamline the work so that the body more effective, the Solomon continue, pricking is done on the body that fatty. For example in the stomach, thigh, arm. "But usually taken dots meridian associated with the organs that have a relationship with body weight and the thalamus," said Solomon.
According to Dr. Agustin Idayanti, MS, organs associated with the syndrome Obesity organ is spleen, stomach, liver and kidney. There is a lack of energy in the spleen and stomach organs cause a ripple, humid and hot atmosphere. These conditions impair the transformation of food into Qi (energy) and weaken the Qi to transport all the body, affect the transformation of body fluids that can cause food and fluids in the stomach increases the body heat. This is the cause of increased appetite.
Next, berhentinya Qi in the organs and heart berlebihnya heat energy in the organ caused a depression, angry and easily offended. Lack of Qi in the kidney organ does not cause someone to be enthusiastic, often weak, along with the increase in body weight decrease is not regular.
"Therefore, Acupuncture function gives effect to reduce hot, humid in the stomach and strengthen the organs. Also strengthen the organs spleen, kidney, liver and reduce the excess energy in the organs and manage the emotions and appetite. The end result weight down, "said akupunturis of Laboratory Research and Development Service Acupuncture Puslitbang Yantekkes MOH RI, Surabaya.
Solomon adds, sometimes people need to be reinforced organ tuberculosis and heart so calm and restrained emotion. Additional thrust is usually done on the meridian associated with the digestive organs such as colon.
Benefits Of Acupuncture
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