beautiful With Acupuncture

Treatment of China is not only can cure various diseases. Now, acupuncture into the choice of women who want to appear chic.

Beautiful face and skin mulus is longed for each women. Caring for health skin face became very important as a supporting appearance, especially for your womanhood. Variety of the way they are, from treatment with medication, botox, and plastic surgery.

Risk and cost of needed not a hindrance. However, there are now methods to beautify the body be calculated that the cost of cheap, that is, with the acupuncture. In fact, this therapy also without side effects, and enough time to work in a relatively short singkat.Waktu, natural beauty you can find with acupuncture techniques.

Acupuncture alone is already known since 5000 years ago. As treat abses, acupuncture is now developed to treat various diseases pe. Finally, acupuncture is now tune flare women because beauty can overcome the problem.
Dr Petrina slamat Dipl Cidesco from Semanggi Special Clinic, said, acupuncture treatment is a natural way with the pricking of dots on a surface of the body to produce an effect of therapy.

Acupuncture techniques on the whole body can be healthful. This corresponds well with the skin so that health will automatically be seen even in the face effect. "In general, acupuncture helpful for smooth circulation of blood and limfa, increase body metabolism, and resistance to the body as well," said Petrina dr.

Meanwhile, the equipment used in the process of acupuncture needles is the measure-annya diverse, from 1 / 2 inch (the size of acupuncture needle) to 1 inch (specific to the face) and the largest size reached 5 inch.

Other tool that is needed is deep thermal penetration (TDP). TDP lamp penghangat such disinari to the body area treated patients who want to take place during the process of pricking. Last is a means to flow through the power, if that is needed.

Beauty in the world of its own, acupuncture provides benefits that are meaningful, that is to protect, treat, and maintain skin beauty. "Problems face, such as whelk, vlek black, decrease pore-pore, and tighten facial wrinkles can diterapi with acupuncture," said dr Petrina, who also berpraktik in Edrea Spa & Aesthetic Center is.

For the face, pricking is done in the forehead, temple, under the eyes, nose, nostril, mouth corners, and chin. The process was done without electricity, except to remove wrinkles.

In addition to the face, there are several other beauty issues that can be treated with a technique that is now growing rapidly in the middle of Indonesia. According to dr Petrina, among other problems Obesity, a problem of hair (either fall, berketombe, or gray), all, body odor.

A short time is also the advantage of acupuncture techniques, although the results remain in each person is different. However, in general, in 12 times (six weeks) therapy can be seen the results.

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