Minus the eyes treated with Acupuncture

Pricker needle therapy which is well known as Acupuncture, can treat various diseases. Goddess who suffer in the eyes minus 300, is reduced to 200 after twice undergoing therapy Acupuncture.
"If the first, I can not open my glasses due to blurred. But, now, my glasses have removed," he said is found in a house that is on Jl Karvin Pontianak, on Monday (9 / 3) evening.
Already feel the benefits of Acupuncture, Dewi accompany her mother who is also an interference in the eyes. According to him, have broken out in the membrane of the mother. So, his mother's eyes hold out water.
Dewi entrust the handling of his mother on Simon, who also reduced minus in eyes. According to Simon, Acupuncture for the mother, was once the action.

"The joint system, we know that flow in the patient. Because the risk in doing Acupuncture, very big. One insert needle, into the life of taruhannya. Hence it can not be done carelessly," he said.
Time therapy is carried out, from every type of disease. Most short, therapy is within half an hour. While most long time is two to three hours. According to Simon, there is also a type of disease that can be cured only once in therapy, depending on the reaction to needles.
"Principally, Acupuncture work done to expedite the body's organs. Ditancapkan When the needle to the body, such as reactions that occur there, which continues to flow throughout the body to move," he said.
Become the therapy Acupuncture already dilakoni Simon since 1999, then. Already a disembuhkannya diseases. Stroke, diabetes, hypertension, ulcer, vertigo, migrants, remove phlegm, and so forth.
Stroke disease can be cured through Acupuncture. Simon says, if the long-stroke patients, the handling, long time. Handling can be done as many as 12 times the period of time.
"That, if it is very strokenya. If the stroke is mild, can be done as many as four to eight times," he said.
Costs incurred to do the therapy the patient is not dipatok by Simon. According to him, it's keiklasan patients to pay what has been done. Because the satisfaction of helping another person can not be assessed with the money.
"What is important, there is a change to the patient's recovery, after returning from my location. Seeing them recover from the disease, is happiness itself. This all can not be measured with money," said the man was born Sekadau.

No Replacement
Simon does not claim to decrease the expertise to do therapy Acupuncture children. Father of four children, said, very difficult to find people who really want to continue these skills.
"Children now have free and learn the ropes with a short. In fact, expertise can be obtained when continuously and always be sustainable," he said.
He said that not getting successor, who can do therapy Acupuncture. The Acupuncture it self consists of four classes or generations. That is, naturally, fuel, electricity, and shakes. Acupuncture that such is the nature.
Have expertise in a blessing for Simon. Because, he can help the person distress. Seharinya, he could receive five patients. According to him, it's maximum. If you want to serve all patients, certain fatigue themselves.

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