History of Acupuncture

Acupuncture comes from the Latin word which means needle Acus and that means Pungere point.

Acupuncture is one of the treatment technique using a needle-puncture needle-fine point at a certain point on the body. Dots is known by the name 'acupunture point'. Dots have Acupuncture electrical nature of extremes that can be electrically stream flow around the skin on the area near or associated.

China is the first nation to use the technique Acupuncture the first year since 4000 and until this day forward. This was with the book titled 'Huang ti The Yellow Emperor Canon of Medicine' that be in 2000 BC.

Previously, the ancient Chinese people use sharp stones, wood, or bamboo as a tool for pressing, and puncture.
Currently, the tool - the tool is replaced by needle-fine needle that has been sterilized. Needle-needle is usually made of silver, copper, gold. Hypodermic needle gold is the most reliable because it can remove energy 'Chi' 100 times more than the silver needle.

In Acupuncture, there are 365 dots Acupuncture major and more than 1000 Acupuncture point on the human body.

Acupuncture Modern techniques, including:
* Acupuncture classic: using a needle as fine-needle treatment
* Electrically Acupuncture: using low-voltage electrical stimulator
* Electronic Acupuncture: using electronic tools small
* Akupresur covering the pressure release, series (massage) and Reiki
* Aquapuntur

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