Freedom Hypnosis Center provide training EFT quickly. You only need two minutes to learn EFT. After that, you can practice EFT directly to the various emotional problems, help to heal various physical diseases, and develop the potential of yourself. Once you master EFT, you can also help to heal others or taught EFT to anyone in need.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a practical psychological therapy that can handle a lot of diseases, whether physical disease and psychological disease (problems thinking and feeling). EFT can be said is a version of psychological therapy that uses acupuncture needles.
EFT does not use needles, but harmonize with the body's energy system at the point-point meridian in your body, with the pound (Tapping) with fingertips. This technique is very easy to learn and can be applied anywhere, to anyone.
According to EFT theory, science, causes all kinds of negative emotions is terganggunya body energy system. And negative emotions-emotions that are not resolved, a major cause in almost all of our physical diseases. While the practices of healing is now the west is still ignoring the fact that negative emotions are the cause of 85% physical disease. And that is why EFT often works on cases that can not be treated with conventional therapy or treatment.
Gary Craig, inventor of the EFT does not claim that EFT is perfect. But in many cases, EFT works very quickly and with spectacular results. EFT often works to heal the other techniques do not afford.
Some of the issues that EFT can be completed with, among others: fear, Anger, Behavior compulsive, Panic disorder, Addictions (cigarettes or drugs), Stress and Depression, Trauma, fear and Phobia (altitude, animals, objects or specific), in fear public places, fear to speak in public, Headaches / migraine, confidence Eliminate the negative, The shame / guilt, Insomnia, frustration or resentment, Peak Performance, Sexual Problems, Problems in children or women, Cancer, Allergi and other problems.
Brief History of EFT
Can be said, EFT is a version of the emotional Aacupuncture. The difference, EFT does not rely on needle puncture, but only lightly beat with fingertips. Eastern healing techniques akupuktur was already own more than 5000 years. Dr. John Diamond writes about the relationship "the body's energy system" with psychological disturbances. From this was born the concept of a new branch of science of psychology, namely Energy Psychology.
Dr. Roger Callahan, who is also a long-learn system of energy therapy techniques to create the body of a controversial field that is Tought Therapy (TFT) or also known as the Callahan Technique.
At that time, in 1980 Dr. Callahan is being called a deal that Mary experienced prolonged headaches and bad dreams are frightening because Fobia to water which is very severe. Until one day, Dr. Callahan tried to do last beyond the limit of science psikoterapi. With the knowledge of "the body's energy system" is obtained, he mecoba pound (Tapping) with the tip of the finger to the bottom of the eye. After Mary returned phobianya reported missing, and he approached the pond water and water memercikan to face without fear. Ill also lost his head with a bad dream. From situlah Dr. Callahan developing field Tought Therapy (TFT).
Students first learn the technique on Dr TFT. Callahan is Gary Craig. Because perceived complex technique, Gary Craig simplify TFT techniques become more easily learned, but still effective. Technique developed by Gary Craig is what is called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Gary Craig introduces this technique to the world. He was on top and offer to do the therapy to the Vietnam war veteran in the VA (Veterans Administration) that have suffered decades Post traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In 6 days Gary successfully freed 20 people from veterans suffering of tens of years because the Vietnam war.
Principles of EFT
EFT is an emotional version acupuncture techniques. acupuncture with different techniques, in general, using the needle, using EFT Tapping (beat lightly) with the fingers in 18 point Meredian body to overcome almost all the emotional and physical obstacles. Only eighteen? Yes, indeed there are only 18 dots that need to be learned in EFT. You do not need to learn 300 point acupuncture that use needles.
When someone experiencing emotional barriers such as angry, disappointed, sad, anxious, stress, trauma and so on., The flow of energy in the body through the body point Meredian akan disrupted. And to remove obstacles on the emotions, we need to improve the flow interference in the way Meredian point fingers tap a certain way in accordance with the EFT technique.
To make a tap on the 18 point Meredian body only requires 4 procedures are simple and easy to remember, which is called the basic recipe (basic recipe). This procedure can be used to overcome the problem almost all negative emotions and physical. Very easy to learn EFT, you only need the time around 2 hours only.
Excess EFT therapy compared to other techniques are:
*Heals very quickly. You do not need to spend many months or many years to heal emotional disturbances that can vanish in minutes or hours with EFT.
*EFT often require only one or two sessions just to get a cure, and sometimes occurs with immediately.
*Once negative emotions are can be removed with EFT, then the problems began to disappear with the physical charge. According to the user experience EFT, Migraine pain of tens of years, back pain, cancer and symptoms, complications, kidney, lever, and the ulcer can significantly less than two weeks.
*While EFT does not work 100%. But usually work well and the results are sometimes spectacular.
*EFT is very gentle and often achieve it with little or no pain at all.
*help tool does not require equipment, needles, medicines, herbal.
*Supported by a number of scientific research
*Used by more than 100,000 practitioners in the world
*EFT is simple and easy to learn, even children can make their own EFT techniques.
*Conventional techniques of healing only overcome physical obstacles. But EFT can overcome barriers both physical and emotional.
*EFT can be done anywhere, anytime.
*EFT is not compatible and incompatible with the medical cure. However, EFT can help accelerate the process of medical healing.
*Menterapi can be used for self and others
EFT and Hypnosis
Although technically different, EFT and Hypnosis have a similarity in the principle that emotional problems can cause physical disruption. That is the terapist development consultant and often use EFT as a primary or complementary therapy after Hypnotherapy.
The hypnotherapist usually at this time also with the EFT is very good, because although they know very effective hypnosis, hypnosis can not be applied to all people. For example, to cure the baby, and five from Fobia or trauma, it is very difficult or even not possible menghipnotis infant and under five. However, EFT can.
EFT can also be used for distance healing in which hypnosis is not possible. EFT therapy with long-distance, you can help heal your relatives or friends who are sick.
Success of the EFT requirement is to find the root of the problem that caused an emotional case. This often becomes difficult for most people. Hypnoanalisis with techniques we can find the root of the problem client, and then diterapi with EFT.
"Is not this mix that match too?"
Emotional Freedom Technique
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