acupuncture,, Alternative Overcoming Drug Dependency

Drug problem, until whenever, probably will not be completed. However, to prevent the spread abuse of drugs, efforts penanggulangannya must. And one way to cope dependence on drugs. The way it is Acupuncture.

According to the Chairman of the Board of the Central Board Akupunturis Indonesia (DPP axis) DR Tomi Hardjatno MS, Seminar on Advance Course, the Drug Dependency Penanggulangan Acupuncture, in Jakarta, Sunday (24 / 9), Acupuncture techniques can actually overcome drug dependence. Techniques used are Acupuncture body and ear.

Acupuncture body, has been developed. points at the wrist and feet. While the technique Acupuncture ear, the ear point. Among others, point to the tranquilizer lungs, heart, and the specific drugs? Tomi to clear on the sidelines of the seminar.

The drugs patients, said Tomi, akan not feel comfortable because the drugs stop. And to remove the uncomfortable feeling of yesteryear and stop (Withdrawal Effects), can use the dots Acupuncture line.

Next is a detoxification phase. Tomi menuturkan, in this phase the influence of drugs dinetralisir, with the use point Acupuncture that can help remove the oxygen-oxygen adiktif line. Same principle, namely removing the symptoms caused .

? On the effect of withdrawal, Acupuncture can remove heat in the body, trouble sleeping and provide a sense of comfort. People do not need to worry and pain medicine when to stop? Tomi said.

People with drug dependence on the extent of new lightweight, can disebuhkan fully with the technical Acupuncture. However, Tomi go, if people are up to the extent that the dependency of the weight, it not only with Acupuncture. But should also help with other sectors, such as psychology and therapy.

With techniques Acupuncture, for people with heavy drug can prevent further brain damage. However, all the human beings on the back. Although techniques have been assisted with Acupuncture, according to Tomi, environment, family, and the desire of the people partake also. If all the factors that support, people can recover quickly.

I can not mention the statistics of how many people recover, but it's natural that I practice, the level of recovery of drugs with very high technical Acupuncture,? he said.

Already, if all parties to help the efforts of drug dependence. This problem is already a national problem.

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