Acupuncture can handle almost all kinds of illnesses, both related to psychological, neurologi and immunity. Related disease such as psychological stress, ulcer, etc.. neurologi-related diseases such as aberration movement, tremor, structural, etc.. immunity-related diseases .. almost disease in general because of power to a low body immunity.
How acupuncture can handle this illness?
acupuncture the in the human body nervous system stimulate sitokin issue. one sitokin like 1,2,6 etc. Interleukin and Interferon alpha, beta and gamma, are also released sitokin other cells makrofag as a reaction against the body's defense inflamasi. Sitokin next signaling pathways play a role in body metabolism, works as a neurotransmitter that also works as a hormone that regulates the balance of the body. The final goal when the body has been stimulation of the needle is acupuncture toward balance.
mechanisms work acupuncture
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