Violin Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a type of treatment for those who are sick. Acupuncture first used by the people in China treat the disease. Acupuncture treatment is carried out with needle-stick needles at a certain point in the human body. Previously, this treatment technique have not yet recognized by modern medical treatment, until the technique Acupuncture made one of the treatment techniques in modern medical world.

Acupuncture treatment with the technique is not only used to treat humans, but is used to treat animals. Moreover, techniques Acupuncture now not only used for the treatment organism, but is used to one type of musical instrument is violin.

The technique Acupuncture Schuman called on the violin, so that techniques to improve the technique with the violin is also called the Acupuncture Acupuncture Schuman. The withdrawal of mortal sickness, violin may also experience symptoms such as pain with which the violin sound is not clear or change the tone that can not be heard and felt as if the sound can not be separated.

Techniques to improve the violin with Acupuncture Schuman has a knock-ketukkan as in some parts of the point on the violin with the withdrawal means of the needle tip more blunt. The technique. changes can be evidenced with the increase of high waves, as seen in the monitor to measure the height of the sound waves from the violin. While the feelings of the players biolanya, such as that conducted by Rolf Bader, violin sound to be clearer and more can be heard and the tone changes nadanya the violin out of the more casual.

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