Many techniques Acupuncture introduced. Dr. Budi Widjaja Sugiarto offer kurapuncture Acupuncture or turtle. New techniques rely on this pin needle pricking the stomach to increase the body's resistance.
turtle Acupuncture is pricker needle technique from China that is very unique, Like Acupuncture hands, heads, and ears, Acupuncture turtle is based on the dots and meridian form a diagram that nonmeridian turtle in the abdomen.
Dr. Sugiarto Budi Widjaja, expert Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), states that this technique works to heal all kinds of diseases, increase body resistance, and increase vitality.
Many benefits are obtained from the pin and needle moksa (herb herbal cigar-shaped) with the technique Acupuncture this turtle. So singset body, healthy, vigorous, Morpheus, smooth digestion, and metabolism.
"The concept of basic turtle Acupuncture is to trust the source of chi or vital energy metabolism and body control systems is in the navel and the surrounding area," he said.
This is based on the fact that since the baby in the womb get the essence of food, oxygen, and oxygen-oxygen for growth through the navel cords. During approximately 37 days of life, babies grow through the control rope navel.
After learning the baby was born breathing, drinking water susu, crying, and to recognize the surrounding environment by using the organs that have been developed during the mother's womb, of course through the navel cords. From this concept, TCM believes that the stomach around the there is still the central chi and control system which is very useful for health.
Furthermore, Dr. Budi said the function and the dots on the body of turtle that envisaged in the human stomach. Starting from the dots in the turtle, which can treat the disease head, eyes, nose, face muscles, and digestion.
Dots in the hands of the turtle can treat stiff hands, sleep, can not dlgerakkan or paralysis, and pain in the shoulder. Dots at the foot tortoise is useful to treat leg weary, sleep, can not be moved or paralysis, and pain in the waist.
Other, dots on the belly turtle is useful to treat diseases such as constipation or difficult to defecate, hipotensi, hypertension, body resistance weakened, disfungsi sexual, Hernia, and digestive disturbances.
Finally, the dots in the tail turtle can treat Erectile Dysfunction, such as interference, prostat, and pain in the ureter. Short stories, Acupuncture turtle is able to treat 1,001 kinds of diseases.
Kura-Kura Why?
Technical turtle, according to Dr. Budi, khasiatnya has been proven for 30 years by Prof.. Dr. Bo Zhi Yun, Acupuncture in China. Point to pin-point the needle dipakal Prof. Bo diagram form a turtle.
In the early findings, many patients Prof. Bo is cured or react positively after to Acupuncture in the stomach. Dots scattered in the stomach cavity is by Prof.. Bo connected with some sketch, so heksagonal diagram form, a similar skin shell turtle. Sketch is like feet, hands, head, tail and turtle.
"This technique is known as ago turtle Acupuncture. I then populer sebagal technique Kurapuncture, "said Dr. Budi.
Prof. Bo that the stomach has a layer of fat that many-level, not likely to hurt, and safe when to Acupuncture. Because the stimulus does not require deqi (chi or vital energy of evil), this technique can be applied to children from age 3 years to those aged 90 years. This is a breakthrough for the Acupuncture treatment.
In particular Dr. Budi menuturkan, as far as practice experience. He often handle patients with the disease in the complaint. For example interference prostat, digestion (Gastroenterology), chronic ulcer, Erectile Dysfunction, and lungs.
To the patient, first of all it gives Chinese herbal ingredients. When the disease is experienced by patients included weight, it offers a new pin needle turtle.
Recognize Turtle Acupuncture
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