celery to treat hypertension

Celery leaves no longer foreign to the community. Plant that has a latin name Apium graveolens L has the form of leaves and the typical aroma often found as a fine complement chicken porridge, soup or meatball. In Europe and some Asian countries such as Japan, China and Korea not only take the leaf only, but also the stalk as food or cuisine flavoring. Herbal plants that originate from areas subtrotip Europe and Asia. Celery plant is a high plateau above the height of 900 m above sea level. In the area, grow with celery stalk and leaves are thick. Celery plants have 25-100 cm high. Stem and having sides grooved lengthwise. Have a lot of interest with a small size. Flowers are white greenness. Celery plants are classified as vegetables. Not only as food, celery have also been known as the history of medicine since the early Egyptian, Greek and Roman. Diseases such as flu, digestive problems, liver and spleen using the seeds of native plants as medicine disease. Society also has long been know as celery hypertension drugs.

Based on the research, the plant family Apiaceae that contains natrium which functions as a solvent to remove the calcium deposits in the kidneys and joints. Celery also contains magnesium that act to stress. Celery leaves contain protein, sulfur, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A, B1 and C. Based on the results of research, celery also contains psoralen, chemical substances that destroy free radicals cause cancer origin. The high sodium content in the celery is very useful for maintaining the resilience of the body.

There are several ways that can be done to obtain the health benefits of celery, among others:

* Society for the rural areas take advantage of celery cure fever in children with a pestle and was smear. Celery juice from celery leaved great intellect can increase, the herpes, and mumps.

* Treatment with hypertension stalk celery can be done easily. 20 How celery stalk and washed dilumatkan. Then, given a little cooking water to press ago. Drinking water two tablespoon three times a day. Do with the regular three days. Results stew was drunk half the morning, half the night.

* For rheumatism disease. Take one stalk of celery washed and clean every time dish of raw vegetables and a spicy sauce raw food can reduce the symptoms of rheumatism.

* Celery can also as a beauty treatment, such as oil menggurangi in the face, hair and even enrich mengonsumsi celery can clean stains on the teeth email. For oily face using three-stem celery. Washed and then sliced small, seduh and cover. Let cool, then store in refrigerator. Sleep the night before, celery extract smear to face that is clean. After a dry face up to new Rinse clean. Do with the order.

* For your fertile meninginkan hair, use water from the five distillation celery stalk are three tbs water as the spread. For best results use every day. Using natural or celery as a medicine dispenser easily obtainable, and minimal side effects.
source: http://www.republika.co.id/berita/13115.html

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