Benefits eggplant and spinach

Two types of vegetables is not only tasty cooked. When processed in a healthy and regular consumption, some diseases can be prevented. Even treated. Nearly no people who do not know eggplant and spinach. Both food in this popular series, including vegetables. Eggplant is delicious when cooked in a vegetable or condiment eggplant. Delicious food can be obtained from processed spinach, vegetable kinds of nodes, gado-gado, pecel, and other. However, the "achievement" they do not actually charge up there. Eggplant Solanum Sp. spinach and Amaranthus sp. can still show the teeth to other matters. As a plant that is capable of fighting disease, for example. In this last matter eggplant and spinach have a lot of ability.

Prevent blood vessel damage
Eggplant known as antikejang have benefits, antikanker, and interference pendepak vein. Even in Nigeria the plant is used as a contraceptive, especially for men. Perhaps because dikait-associate with the benefits of contraception in the KB, eggplant dituding plant as one of the causes of impotence. In fact, it is not necessarily correct or even not more than just myth.

Society also laud Nigeria plant is due to be muted "disease" nervous. This capability has been proven scientifically to be the essence Marmut raw eggplant.

Through research note, the fruit in eggplant are striknin, skopolamin, skopoletin, and skoparon that can prevent the attack of convulsions, nervous, nervous, or convulsions. Thus, the eggplant can be used to prevent and treat epilepsy seizures and other convulsive diseases, such as that believed in the traditional treatment.

In Korea that has been dried eggplant when consumed can also treat lumbago, rheumatism, stiff shoulders, and other aches. The empirical, this vegetable is also able to treat measles, chickenpox, alcohol dependence, gastritis, and burns.

Which is also brisk, research in Japan shows, pressing juice eggplant can damage the cells with chromosome aberration as a sign of cancer. Gynecology tripsin (protease) inhibitor in eggplant believed the attack could trigger cancer substances. Research on more specific, stated eggplant is very good to reduce the risk of cancer disease.

Not quite up there. Research proves that this fruit can negate or counteract damage to arterial blood vessel. By doing so, he can hit and the arterosklerosis; disease caused by blood terganggunya transportation and food substances on the arterial blood vessel. Interference that occurs due to heap of fat and cholesterol in the blood vessel. Result, the heart of any subject. This vital organ will be difficult to pump blood throughout the body that could endanger lives.

Through the traditional treatment has also proven scientists disruption of blood vessel can be reduced, even by others in a way mengonsumsi eggplant.

Lower cholesterol

Bayam than useful as a nutritious vegetable is also medicine.

range of vitamin carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and, in the green vegetables are also terkan dung types of micro-nutrient substances calcium, phosphorus, and iron. In fact, the actual substance besinya two times more compared with other types of vegetables. Which is also interesting from the womb spinach sour oksalatnya. When you compound that often cause interference joint is combined with calcium, will compound the body is not absorbed. That is, mebila spinach can be consumed with a food source calcium. As a therapy, vegetable relish prominent film Popeye cartoons this is nothing less diversity. Of them is able to improve the system pencernaann, fell ill reduce the risk of cancer, reduce cholesterol (a still on animals), and antidiabetes. How it works in lower cholesterol in animals is convense with cholesterol in the body, which then become koprostanol removed to outside the body. While making nutritious antideabetes uterus is mangannya (Mn).

To treat asthma and eczema on the skin, can be tried spinach Amaranthus spinosus spine. This plant contains amarantin, routine, potassium nitrate, piridoksin, iron, phosphate salt, vitamins A, C, and K. To treat asthma, cut-stem spinach potonglah five young spine, including leaves and kembangnya. Boil snippet that uses five glasses of water for 7 - 10 minutes. Water results stew earlier drunk three times a day. For children just drink half a glass, a glass of adults, infants and two spoons to eat it.

For the healing of eczema can be done with the tape or mengompres suffering eczema. Pengompresan using cloth that has been soaked in hot water of spinach stew. Pengompresan conducted during 20 - 30 minutes, just once a day.

Water extract of fresh spinach mixed with honey is also nutritious for treatment bronchitis, anemia, and fever. Meanwhile, when the young cooked spinach mixed with honey and water, the herb can cure whiten on women, lever interference, and interference range of alimentary tract obstruction and tukak side.

For beauty, spinach can also be used. For example, a skin treatment for face, scalp, and hair. Skin care for face, I just spread the mixture with the extract and turmeric water spinach in the face.

With this kind of treatment will be generated face luminous skin, prevent dryness and pimple, and prevent penuaan too quickly on the skin of the face. Or, how to make juice with spinach. By using cotton, spinach juice gosokkan to face with the gyration in the corners around the eyes, forehead, mouth corners, and chin. Perform this treatment for five minutes during the morning and wake up the sleeping at night. If deemed necessary, could be flushing with cold water. In Heinerman John's Encyclopedia of Healing Juice mentioned, spinach juice help remove wrinkles and tighten the face about 40 - 60%.

While for the treatment of skin and hair, how to extract water spinach spread evenly on the scalp and hair with the order. The results will be obtained is that the hair grow healthy.

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