Benefits Kencur

Kencur or Kaempferia galanga, Linn.
Familia: Zingiberaceae

Kencur (Kaempferia galanga), including the tribe of Zingiberaceae plants and plant species classified as empon-empon that have soft flesh and the fruit is not stringy. Terna kencur is small, mushrooming in the area of low mountains or the soil and not loose too much water. rhizome kencur have a specific aroma. Pulp kencur white skin and brown outside. Number of leaf blade kencur no more than 2-3 pieces dealing with the order.

Flowers arranged to sit with half a crown of flowers between 4 to 12 fruit, flower berwara crimson lips with the color white more dominant. Kencur grow and develop in a particular season, ie in the rainy season. Kencur can be planted in a pot or in the garden is enough sunlight, not too wet and in the open.

Local name:
Kencur (Indonesia, Jawa), Cikur (Sunda), Ceuko (Aceh); Kencor (Madura), Cekuh (Bali), Kencur, Sukung (Minahasa); Asauli, sauleh, soul, umpa (Ambon), Cekir (Sumba).

Gynecology Chemistry:

rhizome Kencur contain starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), and oil atsiri (0.02%) sineol form, acid kanil metil and Penta dekaan, cinnamic acid, ethyl aster, sinamic acid, borneol, kamphene , paraeumarin, anisic acid, and alkaloid Gom.

For the use of medicine:

1. Inflammation Lambung

Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb.
How to make: kencur skinned clean up and chewed;
How to use: swallowed water, dregs removed, and then drink 1 glass of white water, and repeated until healed.

2. Child Ear inflammation

Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb ½ seeds and nutmeg.
How to make: both materials are given to pound fine and 2 spoons warm water;
How to use: be smeared around the nose.

3. Influenza in the infant

Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb, and 2 pieces of leaf cubeb (pepper caudate / Cubeb)
How to make: both materials to pound smooth, then spoon in some hot water.
How to use: be smeared around the nose.

4. Log In Wind

Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb sufficient and salt.
How to make: kencur skinned clean.
How to use: kencur sufficient eaten with salt, then drink 1 glass of white water. Can be done 2 times a day.

5. Headaches

Ingredients: 2-3 pieces of leaf kencur.
How to make: kencur to pound leaves until smooth.
How to use them: be lubricated (as compress / pilis) on the forehead.

6. Cough
a. Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb sufficient and salt.

How to make: kencur shredded, and then added 1 cup of warm water, and filtered to press.
How to use: drink with added salt sufficient

b. Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur of thumb.

How to make: kencur skinned clean up and chewed;
How to use: water swallowed, removed. Performed routinely every morning.

7. Diarrhea
a. Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb sufficient and salt.

How to make: kencur shredded, and then added 1 cup of warm water, and filtered to press
How to use: a smear in the stomach as a powder.

b. Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb sufficient and salt.

How to make: kencur shredded, and added salt sufficient.
How to use: be smeared on the belly as a powder.

8. Eliminate Dirty Blood

Ingredients: 4 rhizome kencur of thumb, 2 sheets trengguli leaves, 2 cloves, dry beans, fennel pulawaras sufficient.
How to make: all ingredients are boiled together with 1 liter of water until boiling and then filtered.
How to use: drink 2 times a day regularly.

9. Facilitate the menstrual

Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb, 1 sheet of trengguli leaf, 1 clove old fruit seeds, fennel pulawaras sufficient.
How to make: kencur chopped, then mixed with other ingredients and boil together with the 3 cup boiling water to stay until 2 glass, and then filtered.
How to use: drink one cup a day 2.

10. Weary eyes

Ingredients: 1 cut kencur
How to make: kencur be split into 2 parts.
How to use: the surface is still wet wipe is used to cover the eyes.

11. Strain
Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur and rice that have been water soaked.
How to make: both materials dipipis and water sufficient.
How to use: be smeared / digosokan on the strain as a powder.

12. Eliminate Tired.

Ingredients: 1 large rhizome kencur, 2 spoons of rice fried with no oil (sangan) and 1 red chili beans.
How to make: all ingredients are boiled together with 2 water glass until boiling live up to 1 cup, and then filtered.
How to use: be drunk at once, and repeated until healed. For the men can be added with 1 piece ginger powder and pepper

13. Eliminate Tired.

Ingredients: 1 large rhizome kencur, 1 spoonful of wet rice flour, 1 piece of coconut sugar / sugar palm.
How to make: all materials yields with 1 cup hot water and filtered.
How to use: drink and be repeated regularly to 3 days.

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