Why Do You Eat Vegetables?

Eating vegetables regularly can have many health benefits. Along with all the many disease reducing benefits, eating vegetables can also help control weight. Being low in calories enables us to eat lots of vegetables without consuming excess energy; the high fibre content also helps fill the stomach faster, limiting the total amount of food consumed. Vegetables are also low in sodium, so they help reduce water gains. Sodium is present in virtually all processed foods; it causes the body to hold water within the interstitial areas of the body. Vegetables act as nutritional power-house to man. It contains vitamins and minerals which are good sources of dietary fibre. They are naturally low in fat, sodium and calories and contain no cholesterol. Vegetables have phytochemicals. This is a group of compounds that may help prevent chronic diseases such as hearth disease, diabetes, and some cancers.

We enjoy a wide variety of vegetables because; different types of vegetables provide different nutrients. For example, asparagus is high in vitamin C and Foliate. Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A. And chicory is a good source of calcium, magnesium, riboflavin and vitamin B-6. TIPS ON SELECTING, STORING AND SERVING VEGETABLES:
- Look for brightly colored vegetables. The best items have blemish-free surfaces and regular characteristic shapes and sizes.
- Buy only the fresh vegetables you plan to eat within a few days. Long storage time reduces nutrient level and taste.
- Sort through and discard any damaged items. - Choose in-season vegetables. Enjoy packaged vegetables when out of season.
- Store fresh vegetables according to their types. Place root vegetables, such as potatoes, and yams in a cool dark place, store other vegetables in the refrigerator crupper drawer.
- Don't wash vegetables before storing. Make sure all produce is dry before storing.
- To serve; wash vegetables thoroughly to remove dirt and pesticide residue before cooking. If possible, use a small scrub brush to help clean potatoes, cucumbers or other vegetables that have skin before you eat.
- Leave edible peels on vegetables whenever possible. - Enjoy many vegetables raw. Use quick cooking techniques.

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