Foreword red or Latinnya Piper crocatum language, is now present not only as ornamental plants, medicinal plants but also people with traditional diabetes (diabetes mellitus - DM). Society Sleman, Yogyakarta, especially, have used red betel leaf savor this heredity. The empirical, in addition to diabetes, red betel leaves often used as alternative medicine hemorrhoid, inflammation, cancer, acid strand, hypertension (high blood), hepatitis, ulcer and fatigue.
Fitokimia compound in the leaves of red betel alkoloid, saponin, tanin, and flavonoid. According Ivorra, MD in the book "A Review of Natural Product and Plants as Potential Antidiabetic," active compound alkoloid and flavonoid activity have hipoglikemik or penurun measure blood glucose. Hara (1993) states tanin compound saponin and can be used as antimikroba (bacteria and viruses).
Characteristic of this tropical plant, trunked rounded green purple and not flowering. Leaves bertangkai form the heart of the heart and top taper. Shiny leaf surface and not evenly distributed. As betel green, red plants also grow betel vine in the fence or tree. Shakes leaves taste bitter, but more heavily than the fragrant green betel. When disobek, betel leaves are red slimy.Red betel plants like shade, cool and packed sun 60-75 percent. Red betel plants grow lush and good in the mountains. When growth in the hot, direct sunlight, stem dry up quickly. In addition, the red leaves will be pale. While the possibility benefits located on the chemical compound in red leaves.
Safely consumed
Young researchers from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Mega Safithri and Farah Fahma has been researching toksisitas water extract and red leaves in the lower ability level of blood glucose rats.
The making of red betel leaf extract is very easy.
Some 200 grams of red betel leaves boiled with 1 liter water volume up to 100 live mililiter. Comparison of betel leaf extract with the volume of red stew that drink is 200 grams: 100 mililiter or 2: 1.
To know the level of safety and side effects of a leaf is antiseptic, Mega doing toksisitas test. Extract with the concentration of 0, 5, 10, 20 grams per kilogram body weight given in oral on each of the six rat tails Sparague dawley. After seven days pencekokan, body weight of 24 mice are healthy and grow wal-alfiat. That means that the extract dose up to 20 grams per kilogram body weight is safe and does not toksik (toxic).
Appropriate dose of medication as diabetes mellitus, can be determined through testing in the six groups antihiperglikemik mice. Each group consisted of four mice. Group A consists mice that receive induction NaCl 0.9 percent weight per volume and cekok akuades. Group B contains the mouse diinduksi aloksan dose of 150 milligram per kilogram body weight and cekok akuades.
In the experiment, rats that had accidentally melllitus disease diabetes, with aloksan dose of 150 milligram per kilogram body weight.
Group C contains the mouse diinduksi aloksan dose of 150 milligram per kilogram body weight and cekok medicine antidiabetes commercial Daonil 3.22 milligram per kilogram. Groups D, E, F contain the mouse diinduksi aloksan dose of 150 milligram per kilogram body weight and consecutive cekok red betel leaf extract 100 x dose Daonil, 1000 x Daonil dose, and 20 grams per kilogram body weight.
Treatment was held for 10 days. Result, the blood glucose level groups E and F mice showed no significant different or the same as the normal mice group. Red betel leaf extract dose 20 grams per kilogram body weight is able to lower the blood glucose level of 34 mice, 3 per cent. Penurunnya higher than the anti-diabetes drugs militus komesial Daonil 3.22 milligram per kilogram of only 27 percent lower blood glucose rats.
Results of this research can be applied to human diabetics. Dose of body weight is multiplied by the 20 grams per kilogram body weight. If the weight of degan multiplied 20 milligram per kilogram body weight. If the body weight of 50 kilograms, it requires 1 kg of fresh red betel leaf or 500 ml of water extract stew. Ektrak This can be drunk twice a day every morning and evening as much as 250 ml.
Red betel Lower Blood glucose
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