benefits of pineapple fruit

This fruit contains many vitamins A and C as antioxidants. It also contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, natrium, potassium, dextrose, sukrosa, and the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain as antiradang nutritious, helps soften the food in the stomach, and prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Gynecology fiber can be easier defecate on people with constipation.

* Some property pineapple fruit that has been cooked:
* A cold,
* Can reduce the secretion of excessive stomach acid,
* Help digestion of food in the stomach,
* Anti-inflammation,
* Peluruh urine (diuretik),
* Clean the skin of a dead network,
* The growth of cancer cells,
* Trombosit prevent conglomeration.

Some diseases that can be cured with a pineapple fruit:

* Air perasan (juice) pineapple: worms, sore throat, Give, give, lose weight and digestion problems.
* Pineapple leaves (wash clean, smooth ditumbuk, balurkan on the sick): To burn, itch and ulcer
* Furfur: Provide 1 / 4 ripe pineapple fruit. Peeled skin, and scar, PERAS, and filtered. Add water perasan 1 lemon fruit and poke up the average. Use this herb to rub the scalp berketombe. Make night before bed. Next hair dikeramas the same morning. Perform 2-3 times per week.
* Skin inflammation: provide 1 / 2 pineapple fruit that has been cooked. Peeled skin, and scar. Results parutannya used to polish the skin and scaly skin. Do once a day, sleep the night before. The same morning new next washed clean. Make every day.
* Constipation: perasan drinking water of 3 pineapple fruit, but choose the fruit that has not been cooked properly and is a bit sour.

Side effects:

* Pineapple young potential as abortivum or similar drugs that could topple the womb. Therefore, pineapple can be used to expedite delayed menstruation. Therefore, pregnant women should consume young pineapple.
* Trigger rheumatism. Digested in the channel, pineapple fruit terfermentasi into alcohol. This can trigger gout rheumatism kekambuhan. People with rheumatism and sore joints are advised to limit consumption of pineapple.
* Increase blood sugar. Ripe pineapple fruits contain sugar that is high enough. So, for people with diabetes, it is not excessive mengonsumsi pineapple.
* Cause itchiness. Sometimes after eating fresh pineapple, mouth and tongue tingle. To avoid this, before being eaten, rendamlah discount pineapple fruit with salt water.

Simple is not it?

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