Soybean Milk For Milk Cow Replacement (part 3)

Liquid and powder

In principle there are two types of soybean milk, liquid and powder. The form of liquid, and more are made. Kedalai milk can be presented in the form of pure, meaning that without the addition of sugar and taste new. Can also be added sugar or flavor such as mocha, pandan, vanilla, chocolate, strawberi, and others. The amount of sugar added is usually about 5 - 7% of the weight of the milk. To improve the taste of children, the womb of sugar can be increased 5 - 15%. But sugar is the recommended 7%. Sugar 11% or more of the full fast.

Requirements for the quality of the milk protein content is most important at least 3%, 3% fat content, the actual total padatan 10%, and the actual maximum of 300 bacterial colonies / gram, and the bag did not contain bacteria.

Liquid soybean milk can be made by using simple technology and equipment that do not require high skills, and with modern technology in the factory. Nowadays many ways that can be used to make liquid soy milk with good results. Some common methods used in making soy milk to drink human Illinois, among other methods, the method Pusbangtepa-IPB, and simple method.

Illinois method developed by Nelson et al. from the University of Illinois, USA, in 1979. Stages in the pembuatannya as follows:

* Cooked soybean seeds with hot water at a temperature of 90 - 100oC for 15 minutes, then removed the skin.
* After the skins are removed, soaked in solvent soybean NaCHO3 0.25% for 30 minutes, then drained and washed.
* Soybean grinding with enough water so that the resulting thin gruel, and then filtered to obtain padatan in the womb as 10%.
* Soybean pulp further heated liquid at a temperature of 85oC and dihomogenisasi at 1500 psi pressure.
* Soy milk and then diluted with water so that the womb padatan as much as 6%.
* Go in the soybean milk and sugar added penyedap material such as vanilla, chocolate, pandan, or mocha.
* Next dihomogenisasi soybean milk back in the 1500 psi pressure, packed in bottles or cans, and disterilisasi. Packaging can also be used cardboard boxes or tetrapack.

IPB-Pusbangtepa method developed by the Center for Food Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor. In general how pembuatannya like this:

* Soybean separated from the dirt and damaged seeds, soaked for 8 hours, then boiled and washed.
* Soybean grinding using hot water with the comparison of water and soybean 8: 1. The result is then filtered.
* Go in the soybean milk, added sugar (4 - 5%), chocolate odor (0.6 - 1.55), or vanillin (0.15) and salt (0.55%), and to pack in the bottle and disterilisasi with the otoklaf temperature of 121oC for 20 minutes.
* To remove the bitter taste, can be added before disterilisasi of natrium phosphate 5 g, 10 g potassium hidroksida, and natrium bisulfit 10 g for every kilogram of dried soybeans processed.

Simple method can be used to a much smaller scale and a more simple equipment. Scale suitable for household and small industry. Pembuatannya phases as follows:

* Soybean who have disortasi (separated from the dirt and damaged seeds) soaked in the solution NaHCO3 0.25 - 0.5% for 15 minutes. Soaking is done at room temperature, comparison with solvent soybean and 3: 1.
* Soybean dididihkan and drained for 20 minutes.
* Soybean grinding with a metal grinder, stone grinder (which is used in making out), or blender.
* The pulp is added boiling water so that the overall amount of water reaching 10-fold dry weight of soybean.
* Thin strained pulp with gauze and filtratnya the raw soybean milk.
* To improve the taste and the reception, to the raw soybean milk, added sugar as much as 5 - 7%, and flavor such as chocolate, mocha, pandanus, strawberi sufficient, and then heated to boiling.
* After boiling, the fire be diminished and left in a small fire for 20 minutes.
* If dibotolkan will, in the soybean milk can be added CMC of 100 ppm (100 mg CMC added to the soy milk 1 l). Soy milk should be in the temperature around 5oC cold (refrigerator temperature).

In addition to the form of liquid, milk, soy can also be made in the form of a powder that is generally carried out by spray drying (spray drying). To make soybean milk powder, in the first soybean disortasi and that has been washed, soaked in 0.05% NaOH solution for 8 hours with 3 times the amount of solvent soybean dry weight. Once peeled and washed, soaked soybeans in 0.15% NaHCO3 solution for 30 minutes at a temperature of 100oC. Then grinding is done with hot water, the comparison of water and dry soybean 8: 1. To add a total padatan in soy milk, at the time of grinding of coconut milk added 10 - 20%.

Once filtered, and then mix in the dihomogenisasi pressure 3300 psi. Then flowed into the spray dryer has been set with the conditions: pressure 4.5 - 5.0 bar, temperature 170 - 185oC temperature and air exit 80 - 95 degrees C.

Soy yoghurt

As well as dairy cattle, milk, soy can also be made into sour milk. If sour milk made from cows milk yoghurt is called, then the sour milk from the soy milk is called soyghurt.

The process of soyghurt and culture (pure culture) starter that is used basically the same as in the making of yoghurt. However, the fermentation process in making soyghurt have any difficulty. Because the type of carbohydrate in the soybean milk with different carbohydrate milk cow. Carbohydrate soy milk is made up of the oligosakarida that can not be used as a source of energy and carbon source by starter culture. Results of research shows, when the soybean milk directly dinokulasi (plus) with a starter and diinkubasi for 4 hours at a temperature of 45oC is not a result of changes, both pH and kekentalannya. In other words, does not form soy yoghurt.

Therefore, in order that successful fermentation, milk, soybean first source of sugar added before diinokulasi. Shows the results of the experiment, soyghurt can be made with good results when the soybean milk protein content is between 3.6 - 4.5%, and with the addition of sugar as much as 4 - 5%. Source of added sugar in them sukrosa (sugar), glucose, laktosa, fruktosa, or skim milk powder.

The first time in the making must be prepared soyghurt seed bacteria is L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, and a new soybean milk. There are two ways to get soyghurt starter, that is not from the yoghurt from seeds and dipasteurisasi (culture) pure. Please note, there are two types of yoghurt sold in the market, yoghurt with microbes that are alive and have already dipasteurisasi or mirkobanya off. Size 1.5 tsp yoghurt fermentation enough for three glasses of milk.

In the making of soyghurt, initially dipasteurisasi soy milk, with merebusnya at a temperature between 80 - 90oC for 30 minutes. And added sugar as much as 4 - 5%. Gelatin is also added (not absolute) of 0.5 - 1.5% to keep soyghurt generated stable and good texture. To add flavor, also can be added vanilla, orange, strawberi, or lemon.

Results until the mixture is cooled 43oC, new dinokulasikan starter mixture with the same comparison between the L. bulgaricus with S. thermophilus, as much as 5% of the volume of soya milk. Then diinkubasi temperature of 45oC for 3 hours, or at room temperature for 12 hours, the result is a soyghurt. Can survive for long soyghurt stored at cold temperature or heated at a temperature of 65oC.
(Sutrisno Koswara, staff Department Food Technology and Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB)

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