Benefits of bananas for smokers

Yellow fruit is consumed than enak that have a myriad of benefits. From health to beauty, will be obtained for the diligent consume banana. Banana is a fruit plant herb that comes from Southeast Asia (including Indonesia), Africa (Madagascar), South and Central America. The sweet taste that make many happy consume this fruit, even the monkey is also fan Various types of bananas in the market, have a banana Ambon, the king, kepok, milk, bananas, etc. it. Yellow fruit include multi benefits. From fruit, leaves, bark, stem, and also can be used. For example, banana trunk can be processed into fibers for clothing, paper, etc.. While the stem of bananas that have been cut and a small banana leaf can be used as fodder ruminansia (sheep, goats) during the dry season where the grass is not / not available. Banana skin can be used to make vinegar through the fermentation process of alcohol and vinegar acid. While the banana leaf is used as wrapping a range of traditional Indonesian food.

Did you know that bananas beneficial for health? According to nutrition experts, bananas contain many nutrients, among other calcium, fat, minerals potassium, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein. This is the womb of the banana can provide benefits for health and beauty.

If ditilik in terms of health, bananas can be overcome anemia because it contains iron is quite a lot, uterus triptopthan acid that is changed into serotonin (substances that can change the mood) can overcome depression and stress, while the uterus in vitamin B6, can manage the glucose level in the blood that can change the mood.

You have to evaporate, and does not mean sleepy oxygen in the brain rather disturbed. To overcome this you should often mengonsumsi bananas. Because bananas contain a lot of potassium, it can restore the potassium content in the body of oxygen and expedite delivery to the brain. In addition, bananas are also very good for the mother who contains. Gynecology folat acid in easily absorbed by embryo, is also good for the development of the nervous system fetus. In addition, bananas can also be a source of strength because it contains sugar that can be changed and the power source can be a tired feeling.

In terms of beauty banana is used as a regular face mask, the hair is broken and subtilize hands. Things that may not have been known by many many people, bananas are able to help smokers overcome nicotine. Because the uterus B6 and B12 to help in neutralize influence of nicotine.

In "Medicinal Uses of bananas" the banana can cure anemia, lower blood pressure, increase the energy to think, rich in fiber to help nervous system, can help smokers to eliminate the influence of nicotine, stress, prevent stroke, body temperature control, especially for pregnant women, neutralize stomach acidity, and so forth.

Who cooked better
In general, the nutrient contents in each ripe bananas are as follows: calories 99 calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.2 grams of fat, carbohydrate 25.8 milligram (mg), 0.7 grams fiber, 8 mg calcium , phosphorus 28 mg, 0.5 mg iron, vitamin A44RE, 0.08 mg vitamin B, vitamin C 3 mg and 72 grams of water.

Gynecology bananas very much, made up of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat and others, so that when people only mengonsumsi bananas course, already tercukupi a minimal gizinya.

To get the benefits we should not consume home, choose a banana sudang cooked, the skin is yellowish green with The speck brown or yellow, ripe bananas more easily digested, sugar and fruit turn into glucose quickly to absorbtion naturally into the blood circulation. Proven benefits. So please do not hesitate eat bananas.

Many of the benefits of banana

1. As a source of energy
Bananas can be easily digested, the sugar found in fruit is turned into a good source of energy quickly, and that it is good in the formation of the body, for working muscles and is very good for a tired feeling.

2. For pregnant women
Bananas are also recommended for pregnant women because it contains acid folat, easily absorbed the fetus through the uterus. However, do not be too excessive, because the banana fruit contains about 85-100 calories.

3. People with Anemia
Two bananas are eaten by anemia patients each day is enough, because it contains Fe (iron) level.

4. Stomach and bowel disease
Banana mixed with milk liquid (or glass of milk included dalamm liquid) can to serve drugs as in the case of bowel disease. Can also be recommended for patients sick stomach and kholik to neutralize stomach acidity.

5. Good for people with lever
People with good disease lever banana mengonsumsi added two spoons of honey, will increase appetite and make strong.

6. Benefits for burns
Banana leaf is used for treatment of burned skin in a way dioles, a mixture of banana leaf ash added coconut oil have cool skin.

7. Benefits for diabetes
At the community Gorontalo (North Sulawesi), the type of banana goroho that have not been cooked and mixed with the steamed grated young coconut, is an additional food for people suffering from diabetes.

8. Beauty face
Banana pulp is mixed with a little milk and honey, be smeared on the face every day regularly for 30-40 minutes. Basuh with warm water and then Rinse with cold water or ice, repeated for 15 days.

9. Set the weight of the body
Bananas also have a role in the decrease in body weight as well as to increase body weight. Someone has to lose weight with berdiet 4 (four) bananas and 4 (four) a glass of milk or non fat milk liquid per day for at least 3 days a week, the number of calories in 1250 only and the menu is healthful.

In addition, the diet makes the face skin is not oily and clean. On the other hand, a glass mengonsumsi banana milk-shake mix honey, fruits, nuts, mango, and after eating, and increase body weight.

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