Sore breasts, although not seberbahaya than cancer
breast, must also mewaspadainya. Especially when your husband smokers
or did not care with oral health.
Although less popular with breast cancer, breast mastitis
must also recognize the efforts for prevention because if it is acute,
can result in lifting peyudara. Term breast mastitis
means that the inflammation in the breast. Variety of symptoms including
benjolan in the breast. Many things that cause inflammation
including the presence of this bacteria.
When diumpamakan, breast is like a tree that has a stem,
branches, and branches. Just imagine how complex the network setting,
channel, and the gland penyusunnya. Thus both men or
women are obliged to keep a body part that is good for the
avoid the possibility of the occurrence of mastitis.
Not only the bust that you must maintain cleanliness,
couples must also keep your mouth health, if it is to
hilt while breast suck have sex.
Three types, three causes of
There are three types, namely mastitis periductal mastitis, mastitis
pueperalis, and mastitis supurativa. This third type of mastitis
appear due to different causes and conditions that appear in
also different.
Periductal mastitis usually appear in women in the age
menopause, the main cause is not clearly known. This
also known as the mamary duct ectasia, which means
widening the channel due to a stoppage in the channel in the
According to dr. Samuel J. Haryono, SPB K Onk from Dharmais Cancer Hospital,
in women aged 45 years or over to enter at the age of menopause,
triggered some inflammation is a reaction to hormonal changes and
breastfeeding activities in the past. The cause of the stoppage
is the main network and the dead water susu itself.
Network stack and the dead in the water susu bust this channel
buntunya the channel and eventually stretch even
channel in the back, which is usually located behind the hilt
breast. The end result is a reaction to inflammation which is called
periductal mastitis.
Second type of mastitis is also called pueperalis or lactational
mastitis, this type of diidap many pregnant women or breastfeeding.
According to dr. Samuel, about 90 percent of the main types of mastitis
This is due to bacteria that menginfeksi breast mother. This
susu because water is a fertile medium for developers
different types of bacteria culture.
Type of bacteria that most commonly found in this type of mastitis is
Staphylococcus aureus, which can ditransmisi to the hilt through the mother
direct contact. Mother who is breastfeeding, the bacteria can get
from contact with the baby's mouth, but can also be done
the transmission, from mother to baby through plasenta.
"The germ of course direct contact between the stalk with the world
outside, whether from the mouth of the baby or her husband's mouth, especially on the
people with oral health, such as the mouth of the lower piston
cigarettes, "said the doctor is a specialist surgical Oncology.
Type of mastitis is the last supurativa. This type of mastitis is
The most frequently found. Similar to the previous type, mastitis
also due to this type of Staphylococcus bacteria. In addition, can also
caused by fungi, bacteria TB, even sifilis.
TB infection of bacteria that require extra intensive. When
handling is not complete, not the impossible
mastektomi / breast lifting to be done. "Aberration in the
gland and the breast can spread channel uncontrollable and
can be repeated kejadiannya even if the handling is not complete, "
firm this doctor birth Yogyakarta.
Beda with cancer
Basically the symptoms that arise due to the occurrence of mastitis is
benjolan in the breast. Benjolan / penebalan this red, also
feels hot and painful. Pain relief is a form of feeling 'nyut -
nyut 'in the breast, especially if the ulcer is benjolan
broken, the appearance so egregious than the pain that
Pain is what is the difference between mastitis
and breast cancer. On breast cancer, the initial pengidap
will not feel any pain at all, but only arise
Benjolan have on mastitis is not like cancer that forms
hard, but the form penebalan containing liquid. Inflammation
usually attack only one breast, but not close
possibility can be spread to both breasts infected.
In some cases, mastitis can cause fluid secretion
from the stalk, this liquid creamy similar
pus. With breast cancer in which the fluid out of the
stalk usually red or yellow brown stains such as blood.
Sometimes feeling like a stalk also experienced pengidap.
"People often over estimate of mastitis, but this
is a case which could be benign, even if it is not
painful it is mandatory diwaspadai, "said the doctor hobby paint
Views of the causes, mastitis is not influenced by factors
descent, but more to hormonal factors and infection. Other
with breast cancer hormonal factors that affected even
factors offspring.
On mastitis infection caused by bacteria, sometimes developing
become a abses / collection of pus in a cavity in the new network
breast gland. Pus was from the collection of bacteria,
network, and leukosit either dead or alive. Danger,
pus can spread to other body parts to cause a sense
fell dizzy / high fever and shivering, sweat a lot, decrease in power
resistance to the body, even to the decrease of awareness.
If it is so, perforce must be made a doctor's
in carefully. After the diagnosis, your doctor can determine
healing the appropriate steps, both with the antibiotics
any action or operation to be done.
If found menetesnya symptoms of fluid from the practice, it is necessary
conducted the examination called duktografi. Examination conducted
by entering the contrast, which will be made in the image
funnel breast, so there can be sumbatan
or polyp in the channel. In the case of periductal mastitis,
sometimes also the biopsy is done when the tumor mass, along with,
at least to eliminate the possibility of cancer or tumor.
Meanwhile, when in fact found benjolan is a suspected
abses, especially containing pus, then the operation must be done
form insisi and drainage, the operation and distribution penyayatan
pus. Please note that operating expenses should be pus
done in a timely manner, namely at the time of the benjolan
soften / cooked so easily removed.
Step operation begins with the patient's anesthesia. Usually done
local drug alone, but when mastitis caused by bacteria infection, then
made public on the drug the patient. Next, the breast
cleaned first with special liquid disinfectant. After that
new penyayatan can be done in the area benjolan, at this stage
doctors will try to clean out the inflammation is mechanical
Then the doctor will do is provide drainage channel
specifically used to discharge the pus. When step
This done, the operation that takes about ½ -1
hours will be closed to do with sewing the wound situasional.
"When the inflammation is still including the initial phase of relief and not matter, then
action does not need to be operating, simply by giving
antibiotics alone, "a doctor who once lived in Amsterdam --
Netherlands this.
The provision of appropriate doses of antibiotics do. Dose and how
delivery of antibiotics is determined by weight
ringannya infection and body weight someone. Please note, the mother of
are breastfeeding and in the
recommended treatment is not breastfeeding the baby.
Men can be affected
According to dr. Samuel, breast mastitis can befall anyone, not
only women. Breast infection can also occur in men,
for example, for men who are infected because the bacteria do
pierced in the hilt. In addition, men with the swelling
the breast or known as ginekomasti also vulnerable
affected by mastitis, although very small possibility of developing a
breast cancer.
Babies and children also do not escape from danger. Infants can be
inflammation of the mother through plasenta. Children can be contagious bacteria
This causes inflammation, for example through insect bites in the region
breast, as an example of one patient. Samuel.
Warning is also intended for women who perform needle
Silicon or collagen injections to embellish the form of
breast. "Reaction to the body of foreign substances such as Silicon implant
collagen and a variety of which can lead to stiffening
network due to breast ikatnya reaction network or inflammation in
breast when the infected bacteria "said dr. Samuel.
The key to prevention is the key to maintaining breast health
breast and maintain a 'beautiful and healthy'. So, start
Your breast health note, do not simply just
the appearance / beauty course.
All About Breast for Healthy
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