Herbal Feet Care Tips

For most all of us, the problem of smelly feet can from time to time become a miserable and even unbearable problem. There is so much advertising on just this problem alone that when our feet become odorous, the subliminally sub-conscience thought may be to go out and purchase some of the many foot odor products. But before you start spending, you may first want to try a few of the many natural herbal methods of ridding your foot odor problems. With not counting any other body areas, there are a quarter-million sweat glands on your feet alone. One very effective herbal way to almost always rid these bacteria and fungi that may plague our feet is to soak the smell away with freshly mild brewed ice tea for 30 minutes a day for 7 days straight. This is a proven method to dry out your feet for longer periods of time to fight off the bacteria and fungi growth.

Along with the tea soakings, the internal intake of Zinc is a proven linkage for reducing smelly foot odors. Zinc is a necessity of good health for several reasons, but reducing or even eliminating routinely stinky feet is one of them. When we shower, it is important to wash our feet thoroughly with a wash cloth and soap. There are several inexpensive herbal body washing soaps out there to choose from and taking the time to appropriately clean your feet daily is vital to better smelling feet. After scrubbing your feet with a natural antibacterial soap, make sure to towel dry them well before your socks or shoes are put on for the day.
For extra precautionary methods, by adding baking soda to the insides of your shoes, you will keep your feet refreshed and smell free through out the day.

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