Eating Candy can control emotions

People reckless driving while on the road tend to explode-ledak children when they witnessed the fight in the sporting rivalry. So disclosed Jay Goldstein, Kinesiologi doctoral student in Public Health School, University of Maryland, USA. The reason, one of the trigger is reckless in the way of attitude is to maintain ego. Attitude is also triggering the explosives-ledak when the match witnessed the sport. Goldstein observed the behavior of parents who watch their children make it to football. He concluded the parents will be angry ego kala ditantang them.

"When they think something is happening in the field directed towards the child, they will be angry," said Goldstein. Raised, parents tend to explode bertipe checker-ledak parents rather bertipe autonomous. Therefore, Goldstein suggested that parents take children candy when they witnessed the match. By doing so, keep their mouths busy and avoid words inappropriate.

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