bananas are so many benefits

Fruit is not only easily dissolved in, but also contains 9 womb nutrition and restore energy. Compared to other fruits, bananas are likely to enjoy easy because there is no need to be processed. Know the origin, a ripe banana that will contain 99 grams (gr) calories, 1.2 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 25.8 milligram (mg) carbohydrate, 0.7 g fiber, 8 mg calcium, 28 mg phosphorus, 0.5 mg iron, 44 RE vitamin A, 0.08 mg vitamin B, 3 mg vitamin C and water 72 gr. However, to get benefits, you need to choose carefully. The only banana is ripe it can change the blood sugar glucose to be natural, and quick to diabsorsi in blood circulation.

The characteristics of the cooked banana, the banana skin is green with a yellowish or yellow-brown The speck. All contents in the banana is ripe, it will provide some health benefits, especially for:

1. Source of Labor
Bananas can be digested easily, so that there is sugar in it will turn into a good source of energy for the formation of the body, working muscles and is also very good for the tired.

2. Pregnant women
Pregnant women being advised to consume a banana, because it contains a high acid folat important for perfection fetus, the formation of new cells and prevent congenital defects occur.

A ripe banana, will contain about 85-100 calories. So that the two ate fresh bananas, sour folat needs of approximately 58 mikrogram can be met. In addition to the banana will help keep blood sugar which can reduce sick morning, so that the banana is very good cemilan for pregnant women.

3. People with Anemia
Gynecology iron high enough in the banana, can stimulate production of hemoglobin in the blood of people with anemia. Two bananas a day, is very good for people with anemia.

4. Health ulcer patients
As a fruit that can be consumed directly, bananas do not make a bowel irritation or damage to the ulcer patients. Fruit is often used to fight bowel disease, for the soft texture.

Bananas can also neutralize the excess stomach acid and stomach so that the overlay is able to reduce the irritation. For the disease or bowel kolik due to stomach acid, you can to consume interfere with the liquid in the glass of milk.

5. Diseases of lever
For people with lever, two bananas a day with additional one spoon honey, be good to increase appetite and a strong increase.

6. Pain of Fuel
Especially for people with burns, you can use banana leaves as a treatment. How, the burnt skin with a mixture of gray dioles banana leaves and coconut oil. This mixture is able to cool the burned skin.

7. Having a Stress
Bananas contain potasium, the vital minerals that help tap menormalkan heart, send oxygen to the brain and set the balance between water in the body. When experiencing stress, the body metabolism will increase so dramatically reduce the degree potasium body. With bananas, potasium in the body will be balanced measure.

8. Stroke patients
Based on research The New England Journal of Medicine, consume bananas each day will decrease the risk of mortality due to stroke up to 40%.

9. Temperature control
In some countries, bananas are seen as a food refrigerator can reduce physical and emotional temperature pregnant women. In Thailand, for example, pregnant women consume bananas to ensure the baby is born with a cool temperature.

10. Increasing the strength of the brain
In an English school, 200 students able to complete the final exam with just a breakfast of bananas. They also frequently consume bananas during hours of rest and lunch, because bananas are able to increase brain power.

English School is a research respondents, and prove that the fetus potasium in banana make students become more active in the learning process.

On the other hand, bananas are also useful for the beauty. As well as the fruit-fruit, such as avocado, bengkuang and mentimun, bananas are also often used as face masks, or to the damaged hair and hand finish.

Bananas also have a role in the decrease or increase body weight. A research has proven that someone is able to reduce body weight with berdiet banana.

If you want to remove the weight, is easy. Every day consume four bananas and four glasses of milk or non fat milk liquid per day. Do for three days in a week.

Of bananas and milk, you get 1250 calories. This menu is healthful for your body. In addition to lower body weight, diet banana skin of the face also helps to be more clean and not oily.

While you want to add body weight, a glass consume banana shake mixed with honey, nuts and mango, after eating. This menu when consumed each day, will help increase the body weight.

Many are not yet know, that banana was also able to help addicted smokers overcome nicotine. Gynecology vitamins B6 and B12 found in bananas, can neutralize influence of nicotine in the body. Even the enzyme bromelain in the banana also, evidently can increase Libido men.

Source: izoel on 20Pisang% 20Untuk% 20Kesehatan% 20dan% 20Kecantikan.htm

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Advin Charles mengatakan...

Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.
It can control sugar level. It is best for weight reduce.

Stage 4 colon cancer

Advin Charles mengatakan...
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