Tea : hush Risk Diseases

Apart from the controversy because the womb caffeine, tea brings many benefits. Here are some of them:

Lower body weight (reducing Diet)
tea contains high fiber and thus facilitate have diuretik effect (stimulate ekskresi urine) so that the smooth liquid.

Reduce Cancer Risk
This is because tea has a substance such as antimutagen and flavanoid antioxidants that can prevent the press and the growth of cancer cells.

Slow process Penuaan
Antioxidants that abortion can extend the age of the cell body and accelerate cell regeneration so that it can increase the life expectancy age.

Reduce High Blood Pressure Risks
Tea contains more potassium than the Natrium (Na) which can keep blood pressure osmotik, basa-acid balance, and the actual oxygen inhibitor enzym that stimulate blood pressure.

Maintaining Health and Preventing Diseases Karies
dry tea has fluoride and polifenol high enough so that it can prevent dental plaque bacteria and disrupt the activities of karies.

balance sugar
Element Manganese (Mn) of tea have a role as koenzim on the metabolism of sugar in the body so that the smooth process of the formation of energy in ATP (adenosin trifosfat).

Or treat migraine Headaches
Gynecology alkaloid in tea is very involved in the process of treatment or migraine headaches.

Reduce Heart Disease Risk
Elements of the fiber is able to reduce the cholesterol level in blood can be prevented so that artherosclerosis. According to research doctoral Hertog (1994), a high consumption of tea in Japan (more than 80%) and in the Netherlands (60%) score coronary heart disease in the two countries is low.

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