Nutritious crops for Dental Health

Many crops are nutritious for dental health. Pain that's unique from the clubs, for example, make this plant is often used. Instead
clubs, there are a number of other plants that have a similar property.

Clubs have antiseptica (antikuman), carminativa (out wind), rubefaciencia (warm skin), antispasmodica (the strain), and analgesic (starch taste). Because this plant can be used
drugs for toothache. In addition also can be used for menstrual pain, rheumatism / rheumatic stiff, cold / nausea, hoarse voice (husky), and influenza.

Similarly with the betel. Plants that come from India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia has been known since 600 years BC. In the leaves of
broad egg-shaped spheroid, melonjong ellipse, or egg melonjong with rounded base shaped like a heart and the tip of the taper
This short, are atsiri oil that can evaporate. Among the biggest chavicol and betlephenol. Characteristic aroma of leaves and oil
betel is because the womb chavicol line. This compound has a strong antiseptic power and power bakterinya can kill up to five times
folding of fenol usual.

Leaf size 6-17,5 cm long and wide 3,5-10 cm also contain allylrocatechol, cineole, caryophyllene, menthone, eugenol, and methyl ether. In fact, it contains vitamin C and alkaloid arakene the khasiatnya with the cocaine.

Some also mentioned the scientific any posts, betel leaves contain diastase enzyme, sugar, and tanin. However, young leaves contain diastase, sugar,
and atsiri more oil rather than the old, while tanin relatively the same.

Compound that is able to create a betel leaf sprue is not muted
being. That, in some ancient books of India and Greece, as quoted Darwis SN, the leaf which is the main material
menginang this nature have a styptic (bleeding holding), vulnerary (cure
wound skin), stomachic (digestive channel drugs), strengthen the teeth, and throat clearing.

Here are some other compound teeth pereda interference gathered from various sources:

A. Kunyit

Herb 1
Prepare a rimpang turmeric oil and wood white secukupnya. After
kunyit washed clean, then peeled. Rendam briefly in the oil timber
white, and then paste in the hollow tooth. To do

Compound 2
Prepare 10 grams of turmeric, leaves and roots Serai respectively 50 and 25 gr,
salt sufficient. After all the materials to be washed clean and turmeric
cut-cut, boiled with half a liter of water. Leave it to the water
into a glass. To drink three times a day.

3 ingredients
Prepare the saffron 10 grams, 50 grams meniran leaves, betel nuts half seeds,
salt secukupnya. After all ingredients except salt to be washed, tumbuk
until smooth. Do not forget the salt. Seduh with hot water as one
glass, and then filtered. When you are warm, use to kumur. Do three
times a day.

B. Coconut oil

Prepare the coconut oil is one teaspoon. Rendam sejumput cotton
in oil, and heat on the fire for about 2-3
minutes. After a bit warmer, tempel with cotton in the tooth that

C. Seed clove
Prepare the seed of a handful of cloves. After disangrai, tumbuk
to be fine powder. Then, taburkan on the patient's teeth. Do
calm to ill.

D. Tree sap Cambodia

Prepare the tree sap cambodia sufficient, can be taken from the leaf stalk.
Teteskan in the hollow teeth or the gum swelling. Do be careful, be exposed to healthy teeth. Please be careful, because
Cambodia sap can damage the teeth healthy.

E. Acid seed

Prepare a half oz tamarind seeds. Then disangrai (fry without oil) until charred. Once charred, tumbuk a fine powder. Gosokkan powder on the teeth of a black or yellow. Make changes to occur as you see fit.

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