Tips & Benefits For Herbal Medicine

According to dr. Amarullah Siregar, DiHom., DNMed., M. Sc, PhD., Herbal medicine has the ability to improve the overall body system. This is because the ability of the scope of herbal medicine and molecular cell. While chemical drugs only improve some functions of body systems.

Meanwhile, Dr. Susiani Purbaningsih DEA, Biology of experts from the University of Indonesia, said that unlike chemical drugs, side effects caused due to treatment herbal products, if any, is very small.

Tips To get the expected results, herbal products should be prepared and used in a manner that is appropriate. Here are these tips from Dr. Susiani in the use of herbal medicine:

1. Recognize plant drugs. Medicinal plants known to be good because there are plants that have similar characteristics, but different property. For example, 3 types of white turmeric each property to provide 3 different. Many of the herbal medicine product, made from plants obat.2. Keeping herbal medicine raw materials. Medicinal herbal raw materials must be free of pollution and better maintained organically, do not use chemicals that can accumulate in the raw material. Traditional medicine, herbal herbal medicine, herbal medicine such as drugs that are available in herbal shops is the result of pollution-free plants.

3. Harvest on time. Medicinal plants harvested at the right time, when the compound that is nutritious and have not yet experienced terdegradasi by tumbuhannya. Can be made from plants, medicinal products, such as traditional medicine, traditional herbal medicine, herbal medicine medicine, herbal herbal medicine, etc.

4. Prepare herbal medicines. Herbal medicine prepared through the process of washing and guaranteed drying process must be good (in low temperature). We are also about herbal herbal medicine, traditional medicine and lain.5. Recognizing the needs of the body in the consumption of herbal medicine the right amount (according to the needs of the body) so that the side effects avoided.

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