Property Bee Sting Therapy

Derivative products that have generated 13 bees, including honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen, bee venom, bee wax, honey nest, bee bread, bee flyblow, and phedra. Treatment with the bees usually called Aphitherapy (apiterapi), which comes from the Latin fusion, aphis means bees and therapy, treatment. Apiterapi is defined as a complementary treatment efforts for the purpose of prefentif, curative, and rehabilitation using the products and apis has hereditary.

One bee sting therapeutist, Oman, said, for the use of honey bee health has been known since thousands of years ago. The use of bee sting to relieve painful joints and artritis has been done by the Greek nation. Pelopornya is the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates. In addition, Dr. Tere Philip of France was examining the relationship between the bee sting and rheumatism. Previously, the year 1864, Prof.. Libowsky reported that curing patients suffering from rheumatism and neuralgia after diterapi with a sting bees. Treatment using sting (can be) known as the bee apipuntur. Apipuntur, said Oman is part of apiterapi. Apipuntur take advantage of bee venom and Akupuntur method. Bees for this type of therapy APIs mellifera and cerana APIs. Apipuntur itself is part of apiterapi. Bee sting or poison is very good for all activities menormalkan blood vessel and nerve.

"The research shows that the bee sting contains melitin, apamin, peptida 401 (MDC), inhibitor protease, and norepinephrine," said the steep therapeutist treatment bee sting since the year 2000. Apiterapi generally used to mitigate interference rheumatism, cold, flu, twist, until the weight of disease, such as high blood, diabetes, and cancer. Way that is claimed to effectively treat the disease degeneratif, such as stroke. Someone who does not have any complaints semerta directly diterapi. Oman have a way to detect the disease suffered by the patient. "If the place that is pressed into a source of pain, in that place dilalukan sengatan, so it is not haphazard," he explained.

Sengatan amount depending on the type of disease. However, one sengatan dots in particular are considered just as introduction.

"Create a new therapy is usually given one or two sengatan, if that is a normal regular sampi seven but not more than 10, if too much power even though they fell dizzy can hold the patient's body strong," he explained.

Sengatan bee that react in the body are marked with abnormal moment that individual is. Patient's reaction is different, whether previously disengat bees or not. Usually, patients will experience local and systemic reactions. The local reaction is the swelling around the location a sting, has clinical symptoms of itching, pain, and stiff. Systemic reactions such as fever, weakness, ears buzz, and dizziness. To counteract such conditions, he recommends consumption of honey and spread embrocation in the swelling and itching. Therefore, bee sting therapy will be more effective when combined with the honey, propolis, pollen, or royal jelly.

"Patients who first to sting and resistance are usually ugly like her body fell dizzy. I encourage patients to drink honey and do not bathe, "Oman supplement.

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